Monday, October 17, 2016

MIAD Field Trip!

Throughout our tour of MIAD, I found a variety of items that inspired me, most of which was the art created by the students as well as some of the surroundings in the college itself. I sketched out each of these items in my sketchbook as well
As for the works of art that I found most inspiring, there were three very different designs that each appealed to me in their own ways. All three of these pieces were student work so I do not know the name of each artist. The first piece is fairly simple, it is a canvas covered in this shiny pink material that almost reminds me of tin foil with three hearts painted on top. Typically, I am not drawn to art as simple as this, but something about it just made me think and relate to certain situations involving love and relationships. Not only was this piece pleasing to the eye, but it really got me to think despite its simplicity.

The second piece I was drawn to was the sketchbook image of a student and it is a purple ghost created with watercolor paint. And while most people will probably just see it as a ghost, it is actually an interesting interpretation of Haunter from Pokemon and since I am such a huge Pokemon nerd, of course I was instantly drawn to this piece. Not only do I love the idea of a spookier, more realistic interpretation of a Pokemon, but I also love the use of watercolors and how even though the colors dripped and blending together, it still looks very neat at the same time. I have never been the best at using watercolors, but maybe if I experimented with them more I could create something similar to this.

The third piece that I was interested in was a realistic portrait of a snow leopard. I have always been obsessed with animals, so of course I would be drawn to a painting of an animal, but it's not just that. I think it is amazing that students are able to create an image as realistic as this and while I have always struggled with being realistic, it is something that I would like to work on, especially with animals.

While I found the art created by students to be very inspiring during our tour, there was also many interesting items that I discovered on my own. Many of these things were around MIAD, but were not actually the artwork itself. For example, as we were walking down the halls, I spotted a mural that was the words "I Love You" created out of smaller words. I did not have enough time to get a close look at what all of the smaller words were, but I loved the idea and since I am a writer I realized that maybe I should be attempting to incorporate words and writing into my artwork even more. However, while that mural was very inspiring for me, I also noticed many other simple things that interested me such as the items that were sketched on tables or the decorations that students had put in their work space. On one table, students had sketched all sorts of different Pokeballs onto it and many students had items such as Pokemon, Uglydolls, and sloths decorating their work area, which are items that bring back memories from my childhood. I think it's really cool that other students share these same interests that I do even though I had no expected it. There were also some cool things outside of the college that peaked my interest such as a creepy building or the fortunes from our fortune cookies, but the three most inspiring items were actually inside of the college.I am really glad that we went on this field trip because even though I am not planning to go to an art school, I was able to find a lot of inspiration for both my art and my writing.

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